Alishya napisał/a: |
Przy tej całej super precyzyjnej grze na organach udało mi się wykrzesać z mojej zajebistej postaci ubranej w T6 całe 1,5 dps na kołku. Druid Semthrila w słabym healerskim sprzęcie wyciągnął 1,3k. Kalaam, używając trzech czarów (plus czwartego raz na 40 sek.) przekracza 1,6k.
Dodam jeszcze, że użyteczność mojego wymarzonego bonusu za 4 x T6 spadła obecnie cztero-pięciokrotnie. Shadow Bolt, do którego set dodaje mi 6 proc., stanowił poprzednio praktycznie 100 proc. mojego dmg. Teraz to tylko 20-25 proc. Teraz rozumiesz, dlaczego tak marudzę? |
Alishya napisał/a: |
Kwinto, nie wiem, ile patch zmienił w Twojej postaci, ale - jeśli dobrze kojarzę - dotychczas na prostej walce (typu Teron) ponad 65 proc. dpsa robiłeś z auto attacku, który nie jest chyba specjalnie absorbujący ;) Kolejne 25 proc. to Sinister Strike, a reszta (w tym poisony, które, zdaje się, nie wymagają ręcznego odświeżania) to już jakieś marginalne ilości. Do tego wszystko instant, więc można sobie skakać wokół bossa ile wlezie. Wiem, że długo możemy się licytować, ale uwierz mi na słowo, rotacja affli locka jest totalnie przegięta. Nie jest to moja odosobniona opinia :> |
Alishya napisał/a: |
A potem się zobaczy |
Nightblóód napisał/a: |
PS. Aimah zakonczyl gre, a ja mam hunta na 35lvl...hmmm, moze to jakis znak??? :D |
Dakalro (forum Elitist Jerks) napisał/a: |
I managed a measly 2787 dps tonight on Brutallus (dmg/time, not activity based, Recount was 2890). 56/0/5, totally messed up casts, pet bugged not attacking so 0 pet damage (pet did 185 dps on KJ, only other fight where it dps-ed full time). Pandemic procced on 24% of my DoT ticks.
100% uptime for Corr 86% uptime for UA 78% uptime for Immo 81% uptime for CoA 82% uptime for SL Haunt was up for all the fight with 2-3 drops for max a couple of ticks each. Overall it seemed like I messed up a lot on the rotation and uptimes show it. Biggest mess was 524 haste + Wrath of Air + Moonkin Aura (41%+). Top it with Skull, some drums (only from myself), Heroism it made casting everything pure hell, double casted both UA and Immo a couple of times each at least (tapped keys maybe 3 times, oops can't stop 2nd cast now), had SB cast looking sort of stuck and instead cast 2 of them making me delay the next Haunt. Not to mention new kb for LT meant I forgot to do it, losing precious time spamming stuff while oom. Had to Life Tap 5 times. In conclusion if I wouldn't have to actually also stay out of the fire dps-ing as affliction would be awesome. With a lot more practice and functional pet and properly working Pandemic this dps could actually be closer to 3.1-3.3k which would be in a decent spot if none of the other dps would improve their 3.0 routines, but would have to be in a perfectly done fight, 0 movement, 1 target. There is no more movement friendly affliction or multi target friendly. For comparison Hunter ~4k, mage 3.6, rogue 3.5, hunter 3.4, mage 3.2, warrior, retri, moonkin 3-3.1, rogue 3 then me. Overall I would really love to see a slight simplification of dps style for both affliction and destruction, they may have removed the 1 button spec but there sure as hell isn't any kind of cycle to warlock dps (not quite sure for destruction yet). At least alignment of some durations/cooldowns (Haunt in line with UA/Immo would be perfect). For destruction, in a full Corr/CoA-CB/Immo/Inci/Conflag spec there's again the odd cooldown for CB and 3 DoTs each with its own duration which makes it weird at some points. They're all manageable with practice, not extreme but they do take 7 buttons + trinkets, pot and no easy to memorize order in which to hit them, actually I am unsure if such a thing exists even. To add to this my experience on Beta, Affliction goes up nicely, it gets a big boost from Ruin at 80 (to the order of 5-10% probably, depending on luck mostly), hit% for destruction making it possible to skip some hit especially with how threat is at the moment. Still I'm not exactly sure if at the moment level 80 affliction is even getting close to the classes that top the charts, not from what I've asked around. But I don't really see anything good coming for destruction. And with a dps style like it currently has, it's a shame, destruction should really not have to rely on bad scaling dots. |