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*It is going to Northrend! With level 80 and new abilities! If some Objects are achieved, you can create a new Character. The Death Knight. He starts straight in High Level Area.
*In PVP there will be finally be the long-ago announced siege weapons available and there will be destroyable buildings, plus a new battleground *The Deathknight will be a kind of Damage Dealer and at the same time a Tank with so far non existant new abilities. He will be playable by Alliance and Horde, but it will be just certain Races who will have the possibility to create a Death Knight. He is the first Hero class and other will probably come in the following Expansions. * New possibilities of designing your Character. * You will fight against the Lich King Arthas! * Leveling from 70 to 80 will take as much time as leveling from 60 to 70. * Howling Fjord will be the first area you will arrive to. Afterwards there will be areas following like Grizzly Hills and Dragonblight. * The first Dungeon will be Utgarde Keep. You will be able to enter it at level 70 and it will be a 5-man Instance. 25er Dungeons will still be existant, just as well as Heroic Instances. * New Profession: Inscription – Enduring amplification of spells and abilities. * There will be a Cinematic Intro. * Northrend will be about as big as Outlands. |
semthril napisał/a: |
:| Juz chce widziec te milion-pincent-sto-dziwincet Death Knightow po dodatku... ;/
Heh.. Chyba /quit WoW zbliza sie wielkimi krokami jesli to prawda.. Heh... I mam nadzieje, ze walke z Krolem Lichem zrobia tak zajebiscie trudna, a chance2drop Frostmourn bedzie tak bardzo maly, ze nie zdazy sie, ze bedziemy miec kilkanascie Frostmournow na serwerze :| Ehh... Ale poczekajmy na officialne info... :/ |
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New Hero Class: Death Knight
World of WarCraft's first Hero Class is a plate-wearing tank/DPS hybrid that works a little something like this: When players hit level 80, they'll be able to embark on a quest (similar in difficulty to the Warlock's epic mount quest, back before the level cap was raised to 70) that unlocks the ability to create a Death Knight character. The Death Knight starts at a high level (somewhere around 60 or 70, though Blizzard isn't certain yet), so you won't have to grind your way back up all over again. It's intended as an alternative, advanced class for end-game use only. Rather than using rage, energy, or mana, Death Knights have a special "rune sword" displayed beneath their health bar, onto which the player can etch six different runes (choose between Frost, Blood, and Unholy). Different abilities require different mixes of runes, and using abilities consumes the requisite runes until a cooldown timer causes them to be available again. Stuff like talents, spells, and other specifics are still being finalized. So are key questions like what races can be a Death Knight (start a Gnome petition now) and whether unlocking the Hero Class on one server means you can create a Death Knight on any server. |
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- Will green items in Northrend be better than Tier 4? Yes, we do expect to see the same kind of progression. We were happy overall with the way it worked. If you're decked out in Illidan gear or the new raid zone that I can't mention just yet that will be out before the expansion (!), that gear will last you a while. But players like upgrades early and often. |