Using the above information, the Gauntlet event can be completely bypassed and only the 4 elite trolls will remain. Before engaging the lookout, have either a Hunter or Rogue stand at the top of the hill, just in view of the lookout. The rest of the group then engages the lookout and awaits for the eagles and warriors to come. Once the warriors spawn, have your rogue or hunter engage them before they reach the group and then immediately drop aggro by either vanishing or using feign death. The eagles and warriors will then run away and despawn, causing the event to reset. The lookout will run up the hill to restart the Gauntlet however, no more eagles will spawn, and your group is free to individually pull the 4 pairs of trolls without having to worry about the eagles and warriors. This strategy is much like the one used in the Slave Pens to reset the Naga when Naturalist Bite is freed and has been proven to work on patch 2.3.0. |